Anima's Song - A Continuum Inquiry
Anima's Song - A Continuum Inquiry
In this series we’ll focus on relationships between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, exploring their capacity to operate as a cohesive whole. The universal concepts of masculine and feminine, regardless of gender, describe aspects of the psyche referred to as animus/anima in Jungian terms. Through dialogue and dives there will be opportunities to become better acquainted with the subtle ‘song of anima’, learning to integrate our ways of knowing - reason and intuition, intellect and emotion - to better coordinate the worlds of silence and symbol. Each dive is an opportunity to get in touch with the involuntary aspects of ourselves - the parts that perceive the whole, bring insight and participate spontaneously. This four-week series is offered as a portal to a deeper understanding of our human capacity for integrated wholeness. Emilie Conrad posed, ‘What does it mean to be a human?’... a question that lies at the heart of Continuum and our evolution as a species. Come, discover ‘Anima’s song’ through breath, sound, sensation and movement.
“It is Anima who dreams and sings.”
~ Gaston Bachelard
Format: Delivered via Zoom. Wear comfortable clothing that allows for free movement, and have a yoga mat and a couple of blankets handy. To support the creation of a 'container' for a Continuum practice please join the call from a quiet area where you can settle into a sacred space.
Dates: Mondays, Feb. 17, 24, Mar. 3, 10
Times: 9:30 am - 11:30 am PST (12:30 pm - 2:30 pm EST)
Cost: $100 CAN