One Drop Foundation
One Drop is a Canadian non-profit organization founded by Guy Laliberté - also founder of Cirque du Soleil. The vision of One Drop is to reach people around the world to provide access to safe water. In support of the work of this organization, Madrona Holistic Arts contributes 5% of our revenue.
“Together, we aim to ensure sustainable access to safe water and sanitation for the most vulnerable communities through innovative partnerships, creativity and the power of art.”
Here are some statistics taken from the One Drop website
2.1 billion people don’t have access to safe water at home
1 in 3 people lack adequate sanitation facilities worldwide
every 90 seconds a child dies of waterborne disease
I like how One Drop creates sustainable practices, supported by changing the emotional connections and understandings about water through the arts. It’s so good to see an outreach that engages the local communities in meaningful ways and enables new sustainable practices to emerge through the arts. As described on the One Drop website, ‘Art has the power to trigger emotions, action, and sustainable behaviour change.’
To find out more, visit the One Drop website.